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About Me

I’m Hayley, a Matrix Reimprinting and EFT Practitioner and Sattva Yoga Teacher, with over a decades experience supporting people in creating whole new experiences of who they are.

As a Therapist I offer unique and powerful sessions that work with the subconscious mind to help you become unstuck, release negative thought patterns and emotional overwhelm, and heal past trauma. Through these sessions you can then step into a fuller version of yourself and finally,

 – Release the heaviness of the past

 – Free yourself from limiting thought patterns and imprint new positive belief systems

– Create a light and bright new experience of yourself and your future

As a Yoga Teacher I offer tailored yoga experiences that fuse breath and body, working with transformational kriya, pranayama (breath work) mantra and flowful asana. Within these classes you can begin to experience not only the body in a new way, but also the mind as tension and stress are released as you fall into your practice and time on the mat.

You can work with me both online and in person during the summer months in Ibiza. Find out more about my Ibiza offerings here 

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My journey within the field of wellness and personal development really began because of a need to heal myself.

Work with me

I offer one to one transformation therapy sessions, groups experiences, workshops and yoga both in Ibiza and online

Ibiza Yoga & Wellness

Find out more about yoga classes, sound and meditation ceremonies, energy healings and Ibiza adventures.

The Collective

Support your healing journey. Join The Collective and gain access to EFT, Meditation and Yoga videos and guides

What My Clients Say

I have worked with hayley a few times focusing on a few different issues. She has always chosen the right type of therapy to support my needs and I have always found it supportive in my life. I have used the PSYCH-K approach to build confidence and reduced my gabbling before an interview, so I was able to confidently communicate my answers. I was shocked at how on the day I could feel this working. I have also had EFT to work on my anxiety. With this she was able to get to my root problem. My answers shocked me but also allowed me to move on and focus on trying to build myself. I find her supportive, non judgemental way allowed me to achieve in this therapy.


My 5 sessions of EFT with Hayley was life changing! She unearthed issues that were lying dormant and hidden for over 50yrs! Hayleys methods are totally unique, I’ve had EFT previously and found only small improvements, she is empathic, warm, understanding and calm. She’s knowledgeable and experienced. Within minutes she would have my sobbing! What felt comforting was her patience and loving care when I did an old cliche I know, but my life has been re educated and turned around since my sessions and for that reason I cannot thank Hayley enough!


It took Hayley’s class in the beginning of her yoga teaching career and while I had only taken a couple of Kundalini classes before hers, hers was one that made me want to take more. She explained the postures well with detail, care and attention and made me feel safe as I could tell she was really watching me, and guiding me in a way that would make me yield the effects that Kundalini yoga can have on the human body. Her nurturing nature and goddess strength really carried the class, unlike many other teachers and classes I have experienced.


I’m not sure where to begin to explain the dramatic huge healing shifts have happened over the years of working with Hayley, so grateful for the various ways Hayley led me to stepping back into my power and for the space held so beautifully each and every time. Hayley is truly a gifted healer, coach and space holder and im forever grateful for the journey we have been on together


Podcast Interview

it’s good to talk

Would you like to know more about how working together one-one could help you?

I offer a free 20 minute guidance call, this is an opportunity for you to find out more and for me answer any questions you may have – no obligation at all.

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