
I have been working with clients for over 10 years after training in the tools and techniques that made the biggest difference to my life.

  • Sattva Yoga Teacher – 500 hours
  • Emotional Freedom Technique Advanced Practitioner
  • Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner
  • PSYCH-K® Advanced Facilitator
  • NLP and Hypnotherapy Master Practitioner
  • Reiki and Seichem Level 2 Facilitator
  • Meta Medicine Practitioner
  • Certificate in Himalayan sound bowl healing


Emotional Freedom Technique – EFT – often known as tapping is a simple but powerful tool that allows us to release stress, anxiety, physical pain, negative thoughts patterns and beliefs through gentle tapping on meridian points on the face and body. It’s through the tapping that we are able to come to a new awareness of where these feelings or issues have come from as the root cause shows itself and we realise how we have enabled our past; the events, experiences and traumas to act as a foundation and guide for deciding who we are today.
Through Matrix Reimprinting we are then able to access those memories stored within our subconscious field and release the negative charge and associated limiting beliefs, rewriting our past and rewiring our brains. It’s this recoding of our field that can then sets us free to be almost effortlessly new and to experience a completely new way of being and creating and our lives.


PSYCH-K® is a powerful technique that allows us to release negative belief systems and imprint new, positive, aligned belief structures that will take our lives forward.

The PSYCH-K® technology enables direct communication with the higher self and works with the subconscious mind in understanding what we believe about ourselves; who we are, what we deserve and what we are worth in life. Using the PSYCH-K® technique we will then re-write the software of our minds by imprinting new, positive, life affirming beliefs systems to elevate our lives and move us forward, releasing the limiting behaviours, patterns and thoughts that have kept us stuck in repetitive and negative cycles for so long.


NLP is a set of techniques that support personal development and growth where the practitioner will integrate the conscious use of language and powerful subconscious change techniques to bring about changes within someone’s behaviours and thought patterns.

NLP is an incredible key to unlock the language of the mind and therefore communicate with it in a whole new way, rewriting your neurological pathways and giving your brain a new script to work from about who you are, what you can achieve and what you deserve in life.


This powerful healing calls upon all four elements; earth, fire, water and air and invokes a deep experience of healing on the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies.

Through this powerful Egyptian healing technology we are able to connect with our higher selves and establish a new route to healing.


Meta medicine is a diagnostic tool that works with the science of the mind-body-soul connection. The technique explains how specific shocks, traumas and negative experiences affect your body and create a dis-ease within the system. By understanding how a specific part of the body or specific illnesses are relatable to certain events, it enables us to find the memory or trauma much more quickly and therefore begin the healing process.


Tibertan singing bowls are ancient, subtle yet powerful tools for deep healing and relaxation. Working with sound vibration, the frequencies of each individual bowl corresponds and communicates to our bodies energetic field and chakra system to restore any vibrational misalignment, blocks or weaknesses they may be experiencing.

Combined within yoga classes and energy healing sessions they bring in a whole new level and dimension for the body mind to experience.


Rooted in Vedantic and Tantric Himalayan traditions, Sattva Yoga is an integrative practice that incorporates and celebrates the original and foundational teachings of yoga. Fusing Pranayama, Himalayan Kundalini Kriya, Hatha Asana, Chi movements, Mantra and Sattva Meditation techniques, it offers a powerful and transformational experience to those who join the practice.

Individually designed, each Sattva Yoga class is curated to revolutionise how you experience and respond to life. By recoding and rewiring your brain and creating a new energetic field of existence, your emotions, traumas and beliefs about yourself and the world are transformed. Sattva Yoga offers a pathway to raise your consciousness and guide you into greater self mastery.



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