
On this page you’ll find some of the greatest guides and influences that have led and supported me, as I have grown on my own spiritual path.

From some of the leading voices in quantum physics, revolutionising mine – and everyone else’s – understanding of science and spirituality, to yoga gurus who have enabled my practice and teaching to expand to a whole new level.

I have also included some videos of the creators and most authoritative names in the techniques that I am trained in and work with in my one to one healing sessions with clients. Here the true masters show and explain in greater depth how and why they are such powerful transformational tools.

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What the bleep do we know

What the bleep do we know
I found this film to be one of the best introductions to the natural laws of quantum physics and explaining the science of spirituality. It still is a great support to me and trust me, if you ever feel a a little lost, a little meh or even a little hungover then put this on. It just has a magic touch in working with the subconscious mind and bringing in greater clarity and a much clearer head.

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Dr. Joe Dispenza

Joe Dispenza speaks so clearly and with so much passion about his incredible scientific studies that prove not just that your thoughts and emotions create your life experience, but how we can rewire our minds to create the life we wish to experience. There are so many great videos that it is hard to know which one to I would specifically recommend, but I think that this one covers everything in such great, but accessible detail it is a great place to begin.

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Emotional Freedom Technique – The power of tapping & how we can all benefit from it

Here Nick Ortner, Author of The Tapping Solution explains how traumas and past experiences help to define us, tell us whats safe and shape how we see the world and how EFT is such an effective tool or rewiring the brain and releasing us from these traumas and stories of our past.

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Gary Craig creator of EFT shares the science of EFT

This video explains how the body will move into healing if the energy is allowed to flow, but that the biggest thing that blocks the flow of energy is emotional issues and past traumas are held within the body. Gary Craig explains how EFT taps into the knowledge of ancient Chinese medicine, working with the energy flow within the body to release stored and blocked emotions and as a result releases chronic pain, disease and emotional trauma.

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Dr Bruce Lipton explains the how PSYCH-K(R) is the leading tool in releasing subconscious programming

Bruce Lipton, one of the leading scientific voices and leaders in the field of Epigentics explains how the subconscious mind and our programming from childhood work to control and shape our experience of life and how PSYCH-K(R) is one of the most effective ways to rewrite your subconscious patterning and create the life you want.

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Physician and bestselling Author Dr Gabor Mate

Here Nick Ortner, Author of The Tapping Solution explains how traumas and past experiences help to define us, tell us whats safe and shape how we see the world and how EFT is such an effective tool or rewiring the brain and releasing us from these traumas and stories of our past.

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Raja Choudry – Awakening the Shakti within

This is a long video but it is so beautifully explained by Dr Raja Choudhury. I love how he shares how ancient civilizations already knew the power of the pineal gland – check out the similarities with the eye of horus – and how the spine and the rise of kundalini Shakti energy along this channel was the key to connecting with something much greater than ourselves.

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