In the beginning
Its pretty hard to pinpoint exactly when I first started becoming what is often referred to as ‘a bit of a hippie’. I remember being about thirteen and having a small collection of crystals that I would store in various pockets and lodge in the side of my bra, much to the amusement of my friends. I also remember buying a pendulum, much to the confusion of my parents, who watched on as I swung it fiercely around above my palm and asked questions about the meaning of life. I didn’t really know what I was asking or what the answers might mean, but I just knew this kind of weird shit was most definitely my thing.
Being a hippie was my calling and I was ready for the adventure.

The journey
Fast forward to 2007 and I was immersed in crystals, incense and Oms. I listened constantly (and to be honest I still do) to Esther and Jerry Hicks and their motivating and metaphysical beliefs on life and carried a note pad everywhere in an attempt to capture my own. I brought just about every book on the alternative reading list, watched every YouTube clip and spent almost every weekend doing a course or workshop. If it had ‘spiritual’ or ‘personal growth’ in the title I was there with my jingly jangly bells on. I wasn’t just doing this as a hobby, I had committed to it as a way of life.
Being a hippie is no cheap vocation. By the end of 2009 I was the proud owner of a severely diminished savings account but also a toolbox of game changing tools, techniques and qualifications that I was now using to help myself and others. I was now an NLP Master, an advanced PSYCH-K facilitator, an EFT and Matrix Reimprinting coach and a Reiki and Seichem therapist, along with studying Meta-medicine, massage and Life Coaching.
I was buzzing about it all and I still am. I thought I might slow down once I completed my NLP Master training, or my Matrix Reimprinting but I haven’t. I thought setting up my coaching business would be the whole kit and caboodle, but it wasn’t. There is still so much more to learn and more that I want to bring into my life.
I understand I may be generalising about this all. Just because someone likes to meditate every now and then and looks at life as if there’s a little cosmic sprinkling upon it doesn’t mean they would class themselves as a hippie, but I guess for me all of these things have gone hand in hand. Being a hippie is about embracing a different way of looking at things. It’s about living and experiencing life in a way that puts you in the driving seat of what I experience, how I respond and how my path unfolds.

The never-ending
And I’m not done yet, I’m still always on the look out for the next workshop or course in my latest eye opener.
The fun of expanding yourself with this stuff is that while we might not all find the same thing life changing or even just as a method of relaxing, there is something out there to suit us, you just have to enjoy the exploration.
The path is not always clear, but I am starry-eyed and excited.
Dong that gong, it’s time to get cosmic…
For those that are a little intrigued and want to know more, here’s some links to some of my favourite stuff. For one to one sessions Skype or in person, contact me directly about how we can work together.
PSYCH-K: A belief change technique that will shift your negative thoughts, patterns and behaviour and blow your a good way.
Emotional Freedom Technique and Matrix Reimprinting: Helps to release the emotional blockage, dump the baggage by getting to the core of where it all began. This is game changing stuff.