Famed for its hedonistic highs and non-stop party pace, the idea of doing yoga in Ibiza may seem a stretch too far for some. However with a bubbling wellness scene now firmly taking a stand, the Ibiza yoga experience is a must-do for anyone wanting to know the true magic of the island.

Why do yoga in Ibiza
Long gone are the days of hitting a club every night, leaving those sunny days simply peered at from behind an oversized pair of sunnies. Island revellers are now choosing to revel in all this beautiful gem has to offer, because there is a certain feeling, a magic some call it, that Ibiza brings to every adventure you have here.
Deep breaths and stillness whilst sitting comfortably on the mat are teamed with the extra warm embrace the white isle offers, one that brings as many flutters to your tummy as a pounding dancefloor can. Even those new or in the beginner phase of their yoga experience, can surely imagine how incredible it is to be guided through a gentle yoga flow, with blue skies and stunning scenery as the backdrop.

Where to do yoga in Ibiza
Despite only measuring around 35km from top to toe, the island offers quite the chocolate box of options for you to enjoy your Ibiza yoga experience. Stunning beaches and sandy hillside outcrops offer some of the nicest ways to start or even finish your day. Accompany this with a sunrise or sunset – always the best times, otherwise the heat can be too much – and you’ve set yourself up with a natural high to take you into the day or night ahead. You can find more about our recommended Ibiza Beach Yoga experiences here.

Ibiza yoga at those special spots
Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you are sure to have heard of our own magic rock, Es Vedra – you can find out more about her here. For me, leading yoga and meditation classes here, and sharing her beauty is one of the greatest experiences. There is this something so special about the energy that radiates from her, that the extra buzz and high you can capture during class is quite something! The massive grins and tears from my clients who join me there, will certainly testify to that.

Another incredible Ibiza secret spot is the Rave Cave, you’ve kinda got to know how to find this, as it’s slightly hidden from our gaze. Known for its secret raves where people danced for days, it also offers the perfect shaded spot to glide into those warrior ones.
If we stick with the musical theme then the Ibiza Festival Club is the next spot absolute must. The walls hold some epic party stories from days gone by and are continuously adorned with the cool graffiti of today. If you’re looking for a yoga class with that cool-as-fck Ibiza vibe, you’ve found the perfect location. Find out more here about this amazing place.

You see, Ibiza isn’t just a beautiful face. Oh no, in fact going that little bit deeper and exploring those windy camino trails can lead to some incredible pots of island gold.
To find out more and book your Ibiza Yoga Adventure, simply reserve your experience here.